Nurse Education

Nurse haemodialysis training program now available!

knowledge and expertise

As a renal nurse there are many reasons to maintain and improve your level of knowledge and expertise.

The first is the requirement from Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA):
  • To meet this registration standard, you must complete a minimum of 20 hours of CPD per registration period.
  • This registration standard applies to all enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives.
  • The standard applies equally to enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives who work either full-time or part-time in paid or unpaid practice. The standard applies to enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives who are on leave from work, for example, maternity leave.
There are many other reasons:
  • It enables you to deliver evidence based care
  • Facilitates change and quality projects to improve patient outcomes
  • Facilitates your education of patient and peers
  • Practice changes over time and the 'best way to do it this year' may not be 'the best way next year'
  • Participating in education usually involves interaction with peers

Join Today

The RSA offers many opportunities for you to participate in renal education.

Join more than 2000 RSA members and gain access to all your renal education needs and a great range of exclusive benefits.


postgraduate nursing program

The University of Tasmania offer quality postgraduate nursing courses which are delivered part time and online. Their postgraduate nursing program is flexible, offers exit points from Graduate Certificate through to Masters, and includes 20+ nursing specialisation streams – to suit you no matter where you are at in your career.

Scholarships to study postgraduate nursing with the University of Tasmania are available to RSA members. For details on current scholarship offers visit the UTAS website.

Core Values


Care with compassion and commitment


Building effective relationships between all stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes


Actively seeking new and innovative ways of performing tasks


Operate in a positive spirit to assist with the care of patients


Transparency, innovation and continuous improvement


Create a positive clinical environment where all feel valued and respected